外交特考每年招考 外交官薪水13K起!
世衛大會12友邦為台灣發聲 德法美日澳英等11國齊聲挺台
⚡️#Taiwan🇹🇼: RSF calls on the @UN to open its events to all journalists and media regardless of their geographic origin after two Taiwanese reporters were barred from covering the World Health Assembly. @WHO @Focus_Taiwan👇https://t.co/8NRA403YY0 pic.twitter.com/o26j2i9ghB
— RSF (@RSF_inter) May 23, 2023
TKB外交特考榜單 年年獨霸全國
【抗衡中國】美國與巴紐簽國防合作協議 美軍可進入機場港口
Pleased to join our Papua New Guinea partners to sign a Defense Cooperative Agreement that will enhance security cooperation, further strengthen our bilateral relationship, improve the capacity of the PNG Defense Force, and increase stability and security in the region. pic.twitter.com/0nqWYCOJAn
— Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) May 22, 2023
US to sign strategic pacts with 2 Pacific states, hopes for third in weeks
— Siste Nytt (@sistenyttnorge) May 20, 2023
Nvidia獲AI熱潮加持 輝達市值朝1兆美元企業俱樂部邁進
乘著AI的翅膀,朝1兆美元企業俱樂部飛近!在亮麗財報激勵下,美國晶片設計大廠輝達 (Nvidia)25日股價飆升24%,市值單日暴增1840億美元,總市值達近9390億美元,直逼1兆美元,可望成為史上第一家市值破兆美元的晶片公司/span>(詳細內容請看新聞來源↓)
Chip maker Nvidia soared to a record share price on the wings of generative AI. Heard on the Street’s @Spencerjakab explains buying stock is one way investors can catch the AI wave. #WSJWhatsNow https://t.co/0PGMnUqc7o pic.twitter.com/O9RFP9w8AW
— The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) May 25, 2023
Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang's wealth has grown at a faster rate in 2023 than any other US billionaire https://t.co/MVl62ghBsz
— Bloomberg (@business) May 17, 2023
Nvidia's blitz has it on the cusp of joining the big boys in the $1T market cap club
— Morning Brew ☕️ (@MorningBrew) May 25, 2023
Its market cap was $280 billion as recently as October '22. pic.twitter.com/37XRD9WUCh
拜登與共和黨達成債務上限初步協議 避免美國歷史性違約
I just got off the phone with the president a bit ago. After he wasted time and refused to negotiate for months, we've come to an agreement in principle that is worthy of the American people.
— Kevin McCarthy (@SpeakerMcCarthy) May 28, 2023
I'll deliver a statement at 9:10pm ET. Watch here:https://t.co/vmn31INPH5
"What's going on with Fitch speaks to the fact that default should be off the table."
— Bloomberg (@business) May 25, 2023
Here's what former Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan said on @BloombergTV https://t.co/vYtCIYhunM pic.twitter.com/5X6xkqcQmi
多次挺台!佛州州長迪尚特宣布參選美國總統 直播首秀出師不利
I’m running for president to lead our Great American Comeback. pic.twitter.com/YmkWkLaVDg
— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) May 24, 2023
This link works: https://t.co/9PzIJkseYI
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) May 24, 2023
No matter what happens, you can hear Ron DeSantis’ agenda loud and clear. pic.twitter.com/5QmgvfiTgQ
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) May 25, 2023
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) May 24, 2023
BREAKING: Elon Musk confirms reports that he will be holding a Twitter Space with Ron DeSantis tomorrow with “real time questions and answers” pic.twitter.com/pd3pSTyobQ
— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx) May 23, 2023
Our food security is national security.
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) May 8, 2023
We do not want the CCP involved in any of our food production. pic.twitter.com/j19x05R2EE
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